
Taxes & Incentives


普特南县是佛罗里达州主要的机会区所在地. The three Zones, two in Palatka and one in Crescent City, are prime for development and investment. The 普特南县商会 of Commerce developed the following Prospectus as a tool for highlighting and marketing the county's 机会区. Take a look at the Prospectus below to learn more about the demographic and economic data of the county and each zone and to see why investing in Putnam County is a perfect opportunity.


This interactive map is a product of the Putnam County Property Appraiser and can be used to find property information county-wide. 查看位于普特南县三个机会区的房产信息, 在地图底部的图层列表中添加“机会区域”图层. 用户还可以过滤该县的分区和土地使用数据, 帕拉特卡城, 以及新月城. For more information on available properties, contact the 普特南县商会 of Commerce.


佛罗里达州的税收环境非常有利.  佛罗里达州没有企业特许经营税, 个人州所得税或存货税或外国所得税.  佛罗里达州也是一个“工作权”州.  雇员不需要加入工会, 雇员或雇主都可以“随意”终止雇佣关系.

资本投资税收抵免(第220条).191, F.S.). Objective is to spur capital investment in Florida’s High Impact Sectors (as defined by Florida Statutes).  它被用来吸引和发展佛罗里达的资本密集型产业:清洁能源, 生物医学技术, 金融服务, 信息技术, 硅技术, 运输设备制造业, 或者是公司总部.  公司所得税的年度抵免,提供长达20年.

农村就业税收抵免. This is an incentive for eligible businesses located in one of Florida’s 36 qualified rural areas* to create new jobs. 每年可能会批准500万美元的税收抵免. 税收抵免提供1美元,000 per qualified employee and can only be taken against either the Florida Corporate Income Tax or the Florida Sales and Use Tax. A business may receive up to $500,000 of tax credits under this section during any one calendar year. These tax credits are provided to encourage meaningful employment opportunities that will improve the quality of life of those employed and to encourage economic expansion of new and existing businesses in rural areas of Florida.


合格目标产业退税(第288条).106, F.S.). Objective is to to attract new high quality, high wage jobs for Floridians in target industries.  $3,000 tax refund per new job created; jobs must be more than 115% of the county’s average annual wage.



棕地重建奖金退款(第288条).107, F.S.).  Objective is to spur job creation and capital investment in designated brownfield areas eligible for bonus refunds. Brownfield areas eligible for bonus refunds means a brownfield site for which a rehabilitation agreement with the Department of Environmental Protection or a local government delegated by the Department of Environmental Protection has been executed under s. 376.80 and any abutting real property parcel within a brownfield area which has been designated by a local government by resolution under s. 376.80.

棕地重建奖金适用于任何符合条件的公司, 包括那些不属于目标行业的公司.  获批准的申请人每创造一个就业机会,可获得最高2,500元的退税.


高影响力企业绩效激励补助金.  This is a negotiated incentive used to attract and grow major high impact facilities in Florida. Grants are provided to pre-approved applicants in certain high-impact sectors as designated by the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO). 曾经被“选择佛罗里达”推荐并经DEO批准, the high impact business is awarded 50 percent of the eligible grant upon commencement of operations and the balance of the awarded grant once full employment and capital investment goals are met.

机械设备销售税免税.  This is an exemption from sales and use tax applies to the amount charged to customers for labor associated with the maintenance or repair of:

  • 〇新制造企业 才有资格获得新的商业豁免, 机器和设备一定是购买的, 或者一份购买协议, prior to the date the business first begins to produce a product for inventory or immediate sale. Purchased machinery and equipment must be received within twelve months of the date that production began.
  • 〇扩大制造企业 工业机械设备免税时 被扩张的企业购买.
  • 采矿活动- 机械设备

半导体、国防和空间技术免税(第212条).08, F.S.).  Objective is to support technology-based companies as they continue to invest in critical advanced technology machinery and equipment and support the retention and growth of these high-value, 高薪行业.  涉及半导体的业务, defense and space technology production are eligible to apply for a sales tax exemption permit, 有效期为两年, 关于机械设备的采购. The majority of companies using this tax exemption bid on government defense and space contracts and must keep their overhead costs low in order to stay competitive and win these lucrative contracts.  这种激励有助于公司实现这一目标.

快速反应训练.  快速反应训练,由 CareerSource佛罗里达, 是否有国家资助的资助项目,为符合条件的企业提供培训新员工的资金, 全职员工. 奖助金是以绩效为基础的可偿还奖助金, 最长期限12个月, 为定制, 技能培训. 快速反应训练 is available to new or expanding businesses in Florida’s targeted industries. 这些行业都是典型的高技能行业, 生产可出口的商品或服务并有工资 125% above 州或地方工资.


普特南县有3个机会区,可供私人投资, 在某些条件下, 是否有资格享受资本利得税优惠.  机会区 were created under the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to stimulate economic development and job creation, 鼓励在指定地区进行长期投资.

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